Take Action!

Your investment in Mid-Columbia Fisheries is an investment in a brighter future, where salmon and people thrive.  Our success depends on your support.  Donations help us restore habitat and provide outdoor salmon education for local students.

Mid-Columbia Fisheries is a 501(c) non-profit.  Your contributions are fully tax deductible. This includes donated items such as planting equipment, heavy equipment, vehicles, camping gear, and any other non-monetary donation that you may want to send our way!

Checks can be mailed to Mid-Columbia Fisheries, PO Box 2211, White Salmon, WA 98672

Volunteer, Engage, Learn, Connect

Mid-Columbia Fisheries offers a variety of opportunites to engage in salmon recovery for all ages, abilites, individuals, or groups.  The following link will take you to our event calander and registration

Join E-mailing List

Interesting in volunteering or staying engaged with Mid-Columbia Fisheries events. Fill out the quick survey below! If you have any questions, please email or call our Volunteer Coordinator, Aaron Balagot, at rest_tech@midcolubiafisheries.org  (206) 354-7641

Volunteer, Engage, Learn, Connect

Mid-Columbia Fisheries offers a variety of opportunites to engage in salmon recovery for all ages, abilites, individuals, or groups.  The following link will take you to our event calander and registration

Register for free

Join E-mailing List

Interesting in volunteering or staying engaged with Mid-Columbia Fisheries events. Fill out the quick survey below! If you have any questions, please email or call our Volunteer Coordinator, Aaron Balagot, at rest_tech@midcolubiafisheries.org  (206) 354-7641

Volunteer Survey