Upper Yakima Basin
Check out our work in the Upper Yakima River Basin! Click the links to learn more!
Mercer Creek Riparian Restoration
The Mercer Creek Riparian Restoration project, located along 1,200 ft of Mercer Creek between Airport Road and East Helena Avenue in Ellensburg, aims to enhance floodplain and riparian habitat.
Reecer Creek Floodplain
Reecer Creek is a tributary to the Yakima River in Ellensburg, WA. Until October of 2010, nearly 4,000 feet of the stream's lowest reach was confined by a levee. The Reecer Creek Floodplain Restoration project is a collaborative effort to restore floodplain function, enhance salmon habitat, and provide educational and recreational opportunities in this reach of the stream.
North Fork Teanaway River
The Yakama Nation's Yakima-Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) and Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group (MCF) worked together to place large wood in the North Fork Teanaway River between Middle Creek and Stafford Creek on the Teanaway Community Forest in 2019 and 2020.
Jack Creek Restoration
The Jack Creek Restoration project aims to restore streambank condition, floodplain function, and spawning and rearing habitat for steelhead, Chinook, interior redband and westslope cutthroat.
East Branch Wilson Creek
In 2015, Mid-Columbia Fisheries removed a check dam, concrete, and plenty of trash including larger pieces such as auto parts and shopping carts. To restore this section of Wilson Creek, a contractor re-graded the site to restore the function of the floodplain and then native plants were installed along 800 feet of stream as part of the work to restore habitat.
Yakima River side Channel at Bull Canal Diversion
Plans are underway to improve fish survival, water quality, and flow in the Yakima River Side Channel at Irene Rinehart Park in Ellensburg.
Upper Yakima Cottonwood Assessment
Riparian forests form the foundation of lowland floodplain and channel systems. They provide shade, nutrient input, and large wood critical to maintaining channel morphology and habitat complexity for salmonids. Cottonwood recruitment occurs primarily in the active floodplain.
Riparian Reforestation Projects
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